Good dental hygiene and oral care start when you’re young, and it’s important to take care of each teeth inside out. Not only can this keep your teeth whiter and in good condition, but it can also support your overall oral health. Having a brighter and shinier smile is one of the most attractive traits […]
Everyone has bad breath from time to time. In fact, for one in four adults in the UK, it’s a regular problem. You can avoid the shame and embarrassment of bad breath. Knowing what stale breath is, its causes, and how to treat it before it turns into halitosis (a condition that causes bad breath) […]
Tooth extraction can be a horrible feeling and the worst nightmare for most people. If your dentist advises you to do a tooth extraction, it means your tooth either cannot be saved by any dental treatment or will be harmful to your oral health if it remains in place or is not extracted immediately. Even […]